p.s., Teary never said that he wasn't a JW. You guys should stop assuming so much.
Teary Oberon
JoinedPosts by Teary Oberon
How Have you Counted your time for Pioneering?
by jehu or jehonadab injust woundering how have you counted your time in field service especially if you were pioneering?.
would like to see if any of you were on the same page as i was.
with so much to do, like reading all the watchtower and awake each month and the bible reading each week.
Watchtower STUDY EDITION - Vehicle for Vitriol and REALLY crazy statements?
by punkofnice inis it me or do i notice that all the weird and hateful cultish statements are now appearing in the 'study edition' washtowels?.
anointed are nuts - august 15, 2011 watchtower (the study edition) pg 22 qfr: memorial partakers.
this is the number.
Teary Oberon
"Your blog is an elaborate red herring to the real issue at hand, nothing more."
Well if you actually READ the article, then you'll see that Teary does indeed make the same point that you do: it is mainly a Bible issue, not a Witness issue. The Bible is where the language originated, and any person today can open a Bible up and read it for themselves -- the Witnesses simply quoted it.
"Mentally diseased or not, Paul disagreed with the "Governing Body" of his day, and Jehovah used him to write part of His Word, no?"
Paul never advocated abandoning their counsel and decrees (heck, he helped deliver them personally!), he never tried to usurp the authority of the original Apostles and he certainly didn't push the idea that every Christian is an island and that organization is unnecessary (he actually promoted the exact opposite).
How Have you Counted your time for Pioneering?
by jehu or jehonadab injust woundering how have you counted your time in field service especially if you were pioneering?.
would like to see if any of you were on the same page as i was.
with so much to do, like reading all the watchtower and awake each month and the bible reading each week.
Teary Oberon
"If people can change to become witnesses it must also be possible to change outside of the organisation."
They can certainly change for the worse that is for sure. The change that a person undergoes in becoming a Witness is so dramatic because there are powerful forces at work molding him: systematic study of the Bible, introduction to a stricter set of moral codes than normal society is used to, being in an enviornment where others follow these stricter moral codes, ect. So once you leave that, where is there to go but down? If you developed the habit of lying and being dishonest in such a strict moral enviornment, then how on earth do you expect to just magically become truthful again in a more morally loose enviornment? If anything a man would trend towards being even more of a liar.
"If you have not pioneered whilst trying to support a family in the middle of winter then perhaps you are in no position to judge."
Boo friggity hoo. Did you have to walk uphill through the snow both ways too?
Pioneering is voluntary. If you really hated it so much then you should have just become a normal publisher.
How Have you Counted your time for Pioneering?
by jehu or jehonadab injust woundering how have you counted your time in field service especially if you were pioneering?.
would like to see if any of you were on the same page as i was.
with so much to do, like reading all the watchtower and awake each month and the bible reading each week.
Teary Oberon
"Neither can a troll...it would seem."
That that is what you automatically label all dissenting posts on this forum? Don't you complain about the JWs doing the same thing? Let's all sing along!
"No different no different no different than the group they fight against!"
How Have you Counted your time for Pioneering?
by jehu or jehonadab injust woundering how have you counted your time in field service especially if you were pioneering?.
would like to see if any of you were on the same page as i was.
with so much to do, like reading all the watchtower and awake each month and the bible reading each week.
Teary Oberon
"I was so dishonest as a JW. Its ironic that I am now more honest as an ex-JW."
A tiger can't change his stripes, and habitual lying is tough to just "turn off." If you were a dishonest failed JW, then you would be a dishonest ex-JW (and a dishonest ex-JW would naturally lie about being dishonest wouldn't he?).
Watchtower STUDY EDITION - Vehicle for Vitriol and REALLY crazy statements?
by punkofnice inis it me or do i notice that all the weird and hateful cultish statements are now appearing in the 'study edition' washtowels?.
anointed are nuts - august 15, 2011 watchtower (the study edition) pg 22 qfr: memorial partakers.
this is the number.
Teary Oberon
"The topic police are slow to anger, but we are sure of purpose once the evidence is clear."
Haha, so you are saying that you harass and threaten to kick out anybody that dares disagree or question the anti-Witness sentiment on this forum? Face it, you guys are EXACTLY THE SAME as the group that you hate so much. If you were actually different, then you would warmly welcome dissenting views like Teary's now wouldn't you?
How Have you Counted your time for Pioneering?
by jehu or jehonadab injust woundering how have you counted your time in field service especially if you were pioneering?.
would like to see if any of you were on the same page as i was.
with so much to do, like reading all the watchtower and awake each month and the bible reading each week.
Teary Oberon
"Speaking of critical thinking skills and complete bullshit - no witness elder discusses (several times!!!) what a person's avatar name is and whether or not it is religiously suitable to the witnesses with anybody except a witness. In fact, I doubt that any but a tiny minority of witness elders would discuss such a thing at all without calling you in for a judicial hearing."
When Teary writes things for them, and signs his pen name at the bottom, and they discuss it together on their visits, then it does indeed come up (who wouldn't ask questions about such an interesting pen name?). Again, make use of those critical thinking skills.
"Nobody comes onto an ex-JW website and trolls for the witnesses unless he is still a witness in his own mind. Even if a person is a disfellowshipped witness, or an ex-witness by disassociation, they are still mentally a witness if they think and post like Teary."
Ex-Jws.net is a totally different site. But this site says "Jehovah's-Witness.net," so Teary assumes that is primarily intended for, as the name says, JWs. If anything, YOU would be the one that shouldn't be here on a Witness site.
p.s. There is no such thing as "mentally a Witness." You are either baptized and active in the ministry or you aren't. A DF'd person is not a Witness, no matter how much they imagine themselves to be one (nor is a dissassociated person).
"The thread is an expose of active pioneer witnesses who fake up time to make the hourly requirement. This is dishonesty on the part of ACTIVE WITNESS PIONEERS, not ex-witnesses (as Teary seems to want to imply)."
And yet you just said that true JWs do not come on this thread. This thread has been a showcase of the experiences of THIS SITE'S MEMBERS, which as a group represent primarily the "failed pioneers" and "failed Witnesses." If they had done good in the ministry, been honest and enjoyed it greatly then they wouldn't have ended up here on what you said is an Ex-Witness site bashing the Witnesses now would they? That is like going to a leper colony, and then making the assumption based solely off of what you see there that all of humanity must be sickly and miserable.
Watchtower STUDY EDITION - Vehicle for Vitriol and REALLY crazy statements?
by punkofnice inis it me or do i notice that all the weird and hateful cultish statements are now appearing in the 'study edition' washtowels?.
anointed are nuts - august 15, 2011 watchtower (the study edition) pg 22 qfr: memorial partakers.
this is the number.
Teary Oberon
"Teary, it's a members-only version of The Watchtower because its intended audience is Jehovah's Witnesses who attend meetings. As opposed to the public version, whose intended audience is the public. As you well know."
Sorry, but you are still being disengenuous with the term "members-only." That is an absolute term, and is therefore a misnomer (what the heck even is a "member" in Witness terminology anyways? You never even bother to define that...) The more proper term is "Sunday study only," because anybody who shows up for the Sunday study (Witness or non-Witness) can use and read the magazine.
Watchtower Tenets and the Bed of Procrustes
by JWStruggle ini recently published an article on my blog about the mythical villian procrustes (pronounced: proh-kruhs-teez) and how he and the wt have something in common.
notice the assertion made regarding 1 corinthians 1:10 in this magazine quote:.
now if anyone comes into the congregation to try to upset adherence to that true word of god and causes stumbling or a division in the congregation, it is necessary to avoid that one.
Teary Oberon
Your site set off the alarms from Teary's "Web of Trust" add-on. All red ratings, not good :(
Watchtower STUDY EDITION - Vehicle for Vitriol and REALLY crazy statements?
by punkofnice inis it me or do i notice that all the weird and hateful cultish statements are now appearing in the 'study edition' washtowels?.
anointed are nuts - august 15, 2011 watchtower (the study edition) pg 22 qfr: memorial partakers.
this is the number.
Teary Oberon
"Yet you still feel the need to take cheap shots at people like myself who also acknowledge their shortcomings but were not always like this before we were utterly wrecked by an organization that turns our own loved ones against us for no other reason than simple lack of faith."
So you lost your family, got wrecked, kicked out, abandoned -- get over it. Move on with your life, and find a new family, new friends and a new group to hang out with if they are important for you to have.
"If you're not part of the organization, why spend so much time and energy defending it? I don't get it. You're confusing us and making JWs and yourself look foolish. Is that what you really want? How do I know you're not really an apostate?"
Everybody has to have some kind of cause -- life would be boring if we didn't. Besides, defending the Witnesses makes sense for Teary, because collecting and combing through their literature just so happens to be the main focus of his autistic obession (and you should know a bit about that shouldn't you?). Already Teary's library is at over 700 unique Society publications and growing, in addition to over 300 directly or indirectly related works! *hugs collection*
"What is JWSTRS?"
That would be this site: http://onlytruegod.org/jwstrs/contents.htm
"How can you lose your family and not be occasionally "highly emotional" unless you're completely inhuman?"
Dunno. When Teary walked away from his family he didn't ever think twice about them afterwards. Do you think it has something to do with the method of leaving?